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Intel 3D Athlete Tracking (3DAT) technology, runs on AWS and is trained on Habana Gaudi instances. Through the power of AI, 3DAT is putting relevant data at the fingertips of coaches and elite athletes that, up to this point, have either been nonexistent or hard to get.

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AiSCOUT: Revolutionizing Soccer Scouting
Unleashing Athletic Performance Through the Power of AI
Register for Re:Invent Now to Watch 3DAT Track Session
AiSCOUT: Revolutionizing Soccer Scouting
Unleashing Athletic Performance Through the Power of AI
Register for Re:Invent Now to Watch 3DAT Track Session
AiSCOUT: Revolutionizing Soccer Scouting
Unleashing Athletic Performance Through the Power of AI
Register for Re:Invent Now to Watch 3DAT Track Session