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Collaboration is the Key to Change: $50 Donation on Your Behalf

Diversity and Inclusion are Key to Innovation, and innovation is key to a better world. As an industry, we must collaborate on diversity; as today’s greatest challenges require a shared commitment to a plan and meaningful action to advance inclusion and social equity. AWS and Intel have a shared, joint-commitment to expand access to education and inclusive pipeline of talent for our industry. And we want to enable you to make a difference as well.

For every unique visitor that visits our ‘City on the Cloud,’ we will donate $50 to Girls in Tech on your behalf. (up to a total threshold of $30,000).

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Intel: Diversity and Inclusion are the Key to Innovation

Intel is committed to advancing diversity and inclusion at every level of our company and the broader industry. It is foundational to our business and purpose, to create world-changing technology that enriches the lives of every person on earth. Through our 2030 global challenge, RISE, we aspire to make technology fully inclusive and expand technology access and digital readiness for millions of people around the world who currently do not have the technology skills or resourced needed to access educational, economic, and community resources in our increasingly digital economy. Changing the future of technology isn’t something we can do alone. That’s why Intel is convening our customers, partners, academia and governments to address the digital divide and expand access to skills needed for current and future careers in STEM fields.

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Girls in Tech: Tech Needs you. Just as You Are.

At Girls in Tech, we are passionate about inclusivity, because we know that tech today requires people of all skills and backgrounds. Whether you’re a data analyst, a creative, a strategist or a coder, you are needed. We’re committed to building the diverse and inclusive tech workforce the world needs. And we aim to see every person accepted, confident and valued in tech — just as they are. So, when you’re asked how you fit into the industry, we want you to boldly say: “As I Am.”